散策・王の凱旋 The King's Triumphant Return
I'm sorry...
ディミトリ: お前にも、本当に迷惑をかけた。……すまなかったな。
Dimitri: I really caused trouble for you, didn't I... I am so sorry. Truly. I am also...eternally grateful to you. Now, it's time to go to the Kingdom capital. I hope that you will lend me your strength once again.
ドゥドゥー: 皆、殿下が昔に戻ったと言っている。だが、おれは……違うと思う。
Dedue: Everyone is saying His Highness is back to his old self, but I do not think that is accurate.
What he was until recently is what he had been for as long as I've known him. So tortured by his compassion for the fallen that it had driven him mad.
He has always been too kind to be king. He has always felt too much for the weak and the dead.
That is exactly why I look up to him.
He has to atone...
フェリクス: 親父殿の死に見合うだけ、奴には働いてもらわねばならない。
Felix: He'll need to excel as a leader, if he's to make up for my old man's death.
Though if my father could see Dimitri now, he'd be glad to have made the sacrifice.
Don't you dare tell anyone I said that.
I may be from Faerghus...
アッシュ: 僕はファーガスで生まれ育ちましたけど、王都には一度も行ったことがないんです。
Ashe: I was born and raised in Faerghus, but I've never actually been to Fhirdiad. Do you think it'll still be cold at this time of year? I can't even imagine.
Choice 1: 寒さの対策は必要 We should prepare for the cold.
アッシュ: やっぱり、そうですよね。大事な戦いですし、準備は怠れません!
Ashe: You're right. It's an important battle, so let's make sure we're ready for anything.
Choice 2: 誰かに聞いてみるべき Maybe we should ask someone. (Relationship with Ashe up)
アッシュ: あはは、確かにそうですよね。……折角だし、殿下に聞いてみようかな。
Ashe: Good point. I'll check with His Highness.
We're old friends...
シルヴァン: 別に、あいつのやってきたこと全部を、綺麗に忘れてやろうって気にはなりません。
Sylvian: I don't feel like I can just forget all the awful stuff he's done... But if His Highness is owning up to his past, and trying to move forward... I figure I can give him that chance. We've been friends since we were kids. I'm gonna be there for him all the way to the end.
I agree, but...
メルセデス: 王都に行くのは私も賛成だけれど~、レア様を捜すのも忘れちゃ駄目よね~。
Mercedes: I agree that we should head for Fhirdiad, but let's not forget our search for Lady Rhea! The soldiers from the church are going to set up a base at the Great Bridge of Myrddin. They'll be able to keep up the search while we head for the Kingdom capital!
It's been way too long.
アネット: 王都……王都かあ。久しぶりだなあ……。
……あ、先生! これはその……楽しみとか、そういうわけではなくて……
Annette: The Kingdom capital... It's been way too long since I was there last... Oh, Professor! I didn't mean, ah.. It's not that I'm looking forward to it or anything.
Choice 1: 誤魔化さなくていい You don't have to hide it. (Relationship with Annette up)
アネット: ……もう、先生!からかわないでくださいっ。
Annette: Ah! Please don't tease me like that!
Choice 2: 旅行ではない This isn't a vacation.
アネット: あ、あたしだってわかってますよっ。戦う準備はしっかり済ませておかないと!
Annette: I know that! We're preparing for battle!
アネット: ただ……ようやく、フェルディアのみんなを助けに行けると思うと、少し嬉しいんです。
Annette: It's just... when I think of us finally saving everyone in Fhirdiad, it makes me a little happy. OK, maybe a lot happy.
The Kingdom capital is under the tight control of Cornelia, who was ennobled by the Empire.
Judging by what we heard from Lord Rodrigue, it sounds like she's a tyrant.
But all of that ends soon. Let's get there quickly!
I know we can win.
イングリット: ロドリグ殿の亡骸は、私たちの手で弔っておきました。
Ingrid: We buried Lord Rodrigue's body ourselves.
There wasn't a time to do things properly. It pains me that I was unable to take him home to his territory.
Once this war is over, I'd like to hold a proper funeral for him.
For now, we need to focus on taking back Fhirdiad.
All will be well eventually. I know we can win.
フェルディナント: ディミトリは帝国を激しく憎んでいた。そしてグロンダーズで、多くの仲間を……
Ferdinand: Dimitri hated the Empire with a fiery passion. At Gronder, driven by fury, he sent many good knights to their doom...
Now he appears to be freed from that hatred.
If he can make thoughtful decisions, unswayed by his emotions, he may make a fine king someday.
Choice 1: 王も人だ Kings are only human.
フェルディナント: いや……王は人である前に、王であらなければならないのだよ……。
Ferdinand: No, they are not. A king must strive to be a king first and a human second.
Choice 2: Kings can't have feelings? (Relationship with Ferdinand up)
フェルディナント: いかにも。王としての判断は、あらゆる個人の感情から離れたところにあるべきだ。
Ferdinand: No, they cannot. Kingly judgment has to be wholly separate from the emotions of the individual.
They're just legends...
リンハルト: 千年以上前にあったとされながら、現存してない英雄の遺産って……
Linhardt: There are stories of Heroes' relics a thousand years ago of which we have no real evidence today. So many, in fact, that I'm led to wonder if those Relics are nothing more than legends. Especially since we know of relics like those passed down in the families of the 10 Fódlan Elites.
Can you believe it?
カスパル: 先生……!ディミトリがさ、謝ってきたんだよ。
Caspar: Can you believe it, Professor? Dimitri actually apologized to me!
Remember that awful business between him and my uncle Randoph?
He just came by and said he was sorry for all of that.
That was behind us so far as I was concerned, but even so...
It seem like he's changed for the better.
ベルナデッタ: ああ……ここに戻ってくると安らぎますう。でもまた遠征なんですよね……。
しかも今度は王国に行くとか……つらい!つらいです! 先生はつらくないんですか?
Bernadetta: It's always so peaceful coming back here. But it's hard to relax knowing we have to go out on another expedition again so soon.
And now we're headed to the Kingdom? That sounds hard! Oh, really hard! Don't you think?!
Choice 1: つらい It's going to be tough. (Relationship with Bernadetta up)
ベルナデッタ: ですよね! 先生、ひしっ!……って、扉越しに抱き合えますか!
Bernadetta: I knew you'd think so! I knew you— Ow! Oh ow. Can't believe I tried to hug you through the door...
Choice 2: つらくない We'll be fine.
ベルナデッタ: でしょうね。先生に聞いたベルが間違ってました!
Bernadetta: Of course you'd say that! Why'd I even ask?!
We fight, then fight again...
ドロテア: グロンダーズの会戦で、あんなに多くの人が死んで……
Dorothea: So many people died in the battle at Gronder...
And here we are, preparing for the next battle, as if nothing happened the day before.
It's almost easier to think of war as theater, with the stage an entire continent.
Choice 1: 人が死んでも劇は続く? Though the actors die, the show goes on? (Relationship with Dorothea up)
ドロテア: ええ、舞台上で事故があっても、翌日には平気で上映されます。
Dorothea: Something like that. If an accident happens on stage, the next day's performance must unaffected.
Choice 2: 流石に劇とは違う It really doesn't seem like theater.
ドロテア: 舞台で事故があった翌日にも、平気な顔で歌わなきゃいけないんですよ。
Dorothea: Even if an accident happens on stage, the next day you have to sing as though nothing happened.
ドロテア: 皆、平気な振りをして、ただただ自分の役割を演じているんじゃないですか?
Dorothea: Everyone just pretends like everything is fine... focusing on their role in the play.
The most importance...
ペトラ: 故郷、取り戻す、何より、大事、わたし、思います。
Petra: Taking back the land of home has the most importance. That is why I am fighting...all for my land of home. Actually, there is more... I am also fighting for you and for everyone here.
We're finally going to Fhirdiad...
ローレンツ: いよいよ、王都フェルディアの土を踏む日も近くなってきたようだな。
Lorenz: It seems we will soon set food in Fhirdiad. I used to live there, you know. Though that was before my time in the Officers Academy.
Choice 1: 人質? Were you a hostage?
ローレンツ: ……違う。あの街にある魔道学院に、一時期、在籍していたのだよ。
Lorenz: No, of course not. There is a school of magic there, which I was enrolled in for a time.
Choice 2: 留学? Were you a traveler? (Relationship with Lorenz up)
ローレンツ: ああ、そうだ。あの街にある魔道学院に、一時期、在籍していたことがあるのだよ。
Lorenz: That's right I was enrolled at the school of magic there for a time.
ローレンツ: 王国内のゴタゴタで帰国を余儀なくされ、多くは学べなかったがね……。
Lorenz: Trouble within the Kingdom forced me to return to Alliance lands. There was much I had yet to learn.
You gotta be nice to 'em!
ラファエル: 筋肉をいじめてると、悲鳴を上げるだろ?そしたら今度は筋肉に優しくしてやるんだ。
Raphael: You know when you work your muscles and they start screaming? That means you gotta be nice to them. If your muscles are hungry, you gotta feed them, and let them rest when they're tired.
Choice 1: やり方がわからない I don't see how you'd do that.
ラファエル: どうやるかって? そりゃあ自分で食って、自分で寝るだけに決まってるぞ。
Raphael: Whaddya mean, "how"? You just gotta eat and sleep! It's pretty obvious...
Choice 2: 筋肉の感情がわかるの? You can tell how your muscles are feeling? (Relationship with Raphael up)
ラファエル: 当然だぞ! 筋肉が痛がりゃオデも痛えし、筋肉が腹ペコならオデも腹ペコになるんだ。
Raphael: Of course! If my muscles hurt, then I hurt. If they're hungry, well then I'm hungry too!
ラファエル: オデと筋肉は一心同体! ……あれ、先生。何言ってるかわかんねえ、みてえな顔だな。
Raphael: What's with the confused face, Professor? You look like you don't get a word I'm saying!
Gruesome, isn't it?
イグナーツ: グロンダーズ平原での戦いは凄惨でしたね……。
Ignatz: The battle at Gronder Field was gruesome, wasn't it?
But perhaps it's irresponsible to look away—to close our eyes to the horrors of war.
Choice 1: そのとおりだ I agree.
Choice 2: 無理はしなくていい You don't have to force yourself.
イグナーツ: ありがとうございます……。でも、少し無理するくらい、何でもありませんよ。
Ignatz: Thank you. But I think I do actually.
イグナーツ: 生き残ったボクらは、あの戦場で散った命を一つも無駄にはできません。
Ignatz: As survivors, we must ensure that all these lives were not lost in vain. We must see the tragic foundations upon which we'll build our future.
May an age of peace rise from the ashes, so that all this sacrifice means something.
I'm relieved too.
リシテア: やっと王子が目を覚ましてくれたみたいでわたしも安心しましたよ。
Lysithea: I'm relieved the the prince seems to have finally come to his senses. Though it's a really shame that Lord Rodrigue passed away. It really is. But now I think we're starting to see a sliver of hope for the future of Fódlan.
I used to think death meant so little...
マリアンヌ: 私、以前はいつ死んでもいいって……そう思ってたんですけど……。
Marianne: I never used to care whether I lived or died..
But after seeing so much death firsthand, I now realize how precious life truly is.
I'm ashamed of how arrogant I was to think that death could mean so little...
Fhirdiad, eh?
ヒルダ: フェルディアかー。昔から興味はあったんですけどー。
Hilda: Fhirdiad huh? I've always wanted to go there.
But I rather be visiting for fun, and during a warmer season.
And going into battle? Not exactly an appealing prospect!
Heh, I'm just teasing. I'll do what I can to help. I'm just so relieved that Dimitri is his old self again.
He's completely changed...
レオニー: ディミトリの奴、すっかり変わったな。いや、昔に戻ったってことなのかね。
Leonie: Dimitri's completely changed. Or maybe I should say he's finally back to normal.
Either way, I'm glad he's come around to the idea of retaking Fhirdiad.
With our current troops, there's no way we could handle the Imperial capital. We wouldn't even get past Fort Merceus.
It may be a more roundabout route...
セテス: 今節は王都に向かうようだが、我々教団も今は君と共にディミトリに力を貸そう。
Seteth: It seems we are headed for the Kingdom capital this month. The Church of Seiros stands ready to lend its aid to you and Dimitri. It may be a roundabout route, but I believe this path will still eventually take us to Rhea. Besides—saving the people of Faerghus is just what she would want us to do.
It broke my heart...
フレン: 同じ学び舎で過ごした方々が、本物の戦場で相対するだなんて……。
Flayn: Standing face to face with those whom I went to school with.
On the field of battle... How inhuman is—how horrifying. My heart feels shattered.
It is my hope that this war marks the end of such foolish behavior.s
Did you know, there's a school of sorcery...
ハンネマン: 王都フェルディアには魔道学院があってね、魔道の研究では一歩進んでいる。
Hanneman: There's a school of sorcery in Fhirdiad, which is staffed by the top minds of magical research. The study of Crests and sorcery should not be separate. I've always thought I should pay them a visit someday. I never imagined I might end up invading the place with an army though. Not how I imagined it at all.
That was really tough...
マヌエラ: 3勢力入り混じっての戦いは、いつも以上に厳しかったわね……。
Manuela: Fighting with three different groups in the mix was as confusing as it was difficult to survive. Enemies and allies dying one of top of the other... What an absolute mess, huh? If only I had my infirmary out in Gronder, maybe I could have saved a few more lives.
ギルベルト: ……本当に感謝しています。私だけでは、とてもこうはならなかった。
Gilbert: I am very grateful to you. I could never have achieved this on my own.
This is all thanks to you and Lord Rodrigue.
This month, we will invade Fhirdiad by way of the Fraldarius domain.
Leave the negotiations with House Fraldarius to me. You make ready for the actual battle.
It is a tricky business, but we are taking our first steps forward.
We need to be wary...
アロイス: グロンダーズでは皇帝も負傷したようだが、帝国の内情はどうなっているのだろうな?
Alois: The emperor was wounded at Gronder Field. What do you think is going on in the Empire now? The Leicester Alliance has really suffered a blow as well. Who knows what will become of them? From now on, we have to pay close attention to how the rest of Fódlan is doing.
I trust your judgement...
カトリーヌ: 王都に向かうとなると、レア様からは一歩、遠ざかることになる……。
Catherine: If we're headed to the Kingdom capital, that means we're further away from rescuing Lady Rhea.
But it can't be helped, can it?
Perhaps some people will question this decision, but I trust your judgement.
Lady Rhea would want us to help in Fhirdiad. She'd scold us if we rescued her and left innocent people suffering.
シャミア: とんぼ返って次は王都か。やれやれ、付き合い切れんな。
Shamir: So we're turning around and heading for the Kingdom capital? Ridiculous. Tell him to cease this nonsense. Isn't there a saying in Fódlan. Something those with power knowing how to use it? If he's not careful, the goddess will send her saints to smite him. Not that I believe that...
Guess what I noticed.
ツィリル: 最近、気づいたんですけど、ボク、他の人よりも遠くまで見えるみたい。
Cyril: Guess what I noticed. I can see further than most other people can see. But I can't see figure the point of seeing further than an arrow can fly, since I can't shoot what I see.
Choice 1: 敵の動きを事前に察知できる You could detect enemy movements in advance.
ツィリル: そっか……敵がたくさん近づいてきても、すぐに逃げられるのは便利かも。
Cyril: I suppose I could see a whole horde of enemies coming and run away. That's kinda useful, at least.
Choice 2: 目標を誰よりも早く発見できる You could find our targets quicker than anyone. (Relationship with Cyril up)
ツィリル: そっか……レアさまを見つけるのにも、もしかしたら役に立つかも。
Cyril: Yeah, I suppose it could be real useful for finding Lady Rhea too.
ツィリル: ありがとう、先生。この目の使い方、もっと考えてみます。
Cyril: Thanks, Professor. I think I get it now. I'm gonna put my eyes to real good use.
No laughing matter...
アンナ: 戦場で同窓会だなんて、ほんと笑えない話。みんな、辛かったでしょうね……。
Anna: A class reunion on the battlefield? That's...bleak. That must have been so hard on everyone. You gotta keep looking after them all. I mean, they still look to you for guidance, you know?
門番: 先生、お疲れ様です!本日も異常なしであります!
Gatekeeper: Greetings, Professor! Nothing to report! Fhirdiad is a city with a long history that goes back to before Faerghus gained its independence. I'd like to visit that place at least once before I die, but I'm afraid I have my own work to attend to. It's hard being so dedicated! Ah well. I'll go there for some leisurely sightseeing once Fódlan knows peace!
I've brought some veggies!
信徒: 村で採れた野菜を、大修道院の食堂に届けに来たんだ。
Churchgoer: I've come to deliver vegetables we harvested in the village to the monastery's dining hall. Because of the season, I couldn't really pick that much, but I wanted to help you guys out, even a little bit. We're busily planting seeds, so when things start to grow again, I'll be back.
The Kingdom capital is beautiful.
王国騎士: 数十年前までは、フェルディアは上下水道の整備さえ不十分な、猥雑な都市でした。
Kingdom Knight: Up until a few decades ago, Fhirdiad was a disorderly city. Even the water supply was poorly constructed.
As such, it was a hotbed of sickness and disease.
The late king hired a researcher named Cornelia, who advised that he give top priority to improving the city's infrastructure.
In the space of just a few years, the city was transformed into a place of beauty and order.
At the same time, the diseases that had plagued our land loosened their grip, one after another. It was miraculous.
We owe it to our fallen friends.
セイロス騎士: 先の会戦で、フォドラの情勢が大きく動きましたね……。
Knight: After that great battle earlier, the balance of power in Fódlan has shifted greatly... To get revenge for all our fallen friends, we'll have to stake our lives on the fight that lies before us.
So many victories! Exciting.
兵士: しかし……よくもまあ、あれだけの兵力差で勝てたもんだと思うよ。
Soldier: I can still hardly believe we managed to win against numbers like that! Oh... Unless the real me is lying dead in Gronder, and this is all just a happy dream...
兵士: エーデルガルト、クロード、それにディミトリ殿下……
Soldier: Edelgard, Claude, His Highness... All the house leaders from way back when assembled again at Gronder. I wonder what their thoughts were as they headed out to the battleground.
Ignorance is bliss.
兵士: 池の魚たちは、毎日、餌をもらって、のん気に泳いでいますが……
Soldier: The fish in this pond get fed every day, so they're swimming all lazy and serene...
But the only reason they're kept here is so that they can one day be used for food.
But the fish don't know that, so they just swim around happily...
It's a bit of a miserable thought, but aren't soldiers much the same?
What's Cornelia's up to...
商人: フェルディアを取り戻してくれれば、俺たちも多少は商売がしやすくなるだろう。
Merchant: If you manage to take back Fhirdiad, it'll make it a bit easier for us to do business.
Taxes in the Fareghus Dukedom are ridiculously high. Makes it hard to even think about trading.
That Cornelia woman... What does she use that ample tax money for, anyway?
From the Empire's perspective, I suppose it makes sense to squeeze the former Kingdom territories for all they're worth...
But if they throw those territories into total ruin, doesn't that defeat the purpose of conquering them?
Explore: Abyss
ユーリス: あー……ここまで来て王都かよと思わねえこともねえが……
Yuri: We've come so far... I hate that we're headed to the Kingdom capital now. But it's not like we have much choice. We don't have the numbers to face the Empire head on. So we've just gotta shut it and deal.
バルタザール: いやあ……訓練場に行ったら、久しぶりにディミトリの奴と顔を突き合わせてな。
Balthus: Get this, pal. I swung by the training ground and ran into that Dimitri guy. Haven't seen him in ages.
He seems less rabid, but he's still too damn serious. It's depressing.
I challenged him to a brawl, hoping for a quick knockout. Didn't work out that way. We went at it for quite a while. He's a tough one.
Choice 1: 無茶苦茶だ You're too reckless.
バルタザール: 拳で語る以外に何をすることがある?優しく話してやりゃいいって言うのかよ。
Balthus: What was I supposed to do? Invite him to tea? Trade hugs? Ha! Not in a million years, pal.
Choice 2: 混ぜてほしかった You should have invited me. (Relationship with Balthus up)
バルタザール: そうだな。お前も一緒になってやりゃあ、一勝負でケリついたかもしんねえな。
Balthus: True. The two of us could have taken him down, no problem.
バルタザール: ひと汗かいたら、すっかりいい顔になった。戦士同士ってのは、やっぱりいいもんだ。
Balthus: Between you and me...the man is stunning in battle! Nearly on par with myself! Bet the ladies can't get enough.
コンスタンツェ: 私も、かつてフェルディアの魔道学院で多くのことを学ばせてもらいましたわ。
Constance: It's a shame that our path is taking us far from the Imperial capital, but I don't feel too badly about it.
It takes us closer to the Fhirdiad School of Sorcery, where I explored many branches of study.
This way, I can repay my debt to the teachers who gave me such invaluable guidance.
ハピ: 王都、取り戻しに行くんだよね?……絶対、あのおばさんいるじゃん。
Hapi: If we're going to the Kingdom capital, that means I'll run into the lady who... Well, you know.
Choice 1: 気が乗らない? You must be eager to face her. (Relationship with Hapi up)
ハピ: そーゆーわけじゃないんだけどさ。特に思い入れとかないし。
Hapi: No, I'm definitely not in a rush to confront that one.
Choice 2: 積年の恨みを…… Your old archenemy...
ハピ: あー、何て言ったらいいかわかんないけど、別に恨んでるとかじゃないんだよね。
Hapi: That's a bit much. I'm not nearly pompous enough to call anyone my "archenemy."
ハピ: けど、戦場で会ってみるまで、どんな気持ちになるかなんてわかんないじゃん?
Hapi: We'll just have to see what happens when I meet her face-to-face.
番人: 先生、お疲れさんです。ここは本日も異常ありですよ。
Abysskeeper: Hey, you. Listen up. I've got something to report. I hear there was a huge battle recently. Glad to see you made it back safe and sound. Maybe there's life after death, or maybe that's just a bunch of pretty words. Either way, we should live like our time here is all we've got.
住人: あんた、一つ賭けをしないか。今この瞬間、アビスに多いのはどっちだ?
Resident: Got a wager for ya. My friend says there's twice as many women in Abyss as men. You think he's right?
Choice 1: 男の数 No. The men aren't as few as that.
住人: 正解だ。冴えてるお前に贈り物をやろう。……何か妙な力でイカサマはしてねえよな?
Resident: Good eye. You win. Here, have a little something.
Choice 2: 女の数の2倍 Yes. Easily twice as many women.
住人: 不正解だ。注意力が足りねえな。もう少し周囲をよく見て歩くんだな。
Resident: No way. You got eyes? Take a look around.
住人: 何だかすげえ戦いがあったんだって?すっかり上の情報から遠ざかっててな。
え? この前も上で戦いがあったって?そいつは気づかなかったぜ……。
Resident: I hear there was a pretty spectacular battle up there recently, but we don't hear a lot about that stuff. There was a lot of talk when it first started, but five years on... It's just a fact of life. What? There have been lots of battles on the surface recently? I hadn't heard! See what I mean?!
住人: わたし……街に出た時に王国の兵士と知り合って、仲良くなって……
Resident: I've...been close with one of the Kingdom soldiers I met in town... He talked about how he hated the war. We'd just gotten engaged... I thought he'd stay... He didn't want to invade the Empire, but he left for the front anyway... He never came back...